Steelhead Fly Fishing

There are many different places to fish for Steelhead in Ohio such as:  Vermilion river, Rocky river, Chagrin river and Grand river and Conneaut Creek.

The Vermillion River

Here is a link from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources that gives a good view of the Vermillion and its public fishing access:

It is best fishing from North Ridge road to the lake.

Fishing Equipment: 7 or 8 wt. fly rod with matching fly reel and line or a 9'-9'6" noodle rod with spinning reel.

You can obtain equipment from the following in Ohio.


On the Vermillion river and the other rivers connected to Lake Erie there is an assortment of baits that can be used.

-Egg Sacs- Pink, blue, chartreuse, orange, and purple. Bring a vast assortment of colors and sizes.
-Wooly Buggers- Black or Black with an orange piece of roe at the front. It looks like an egg sucking leech.
-tandem rigs- Such as the scrambled eggs and a nymph such as the steelie rock worm work great as well and double your chances at a good fish.

A good website to learn more about fly patterns is: