The Vermillion River
Here is a link from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources that gives a good view of the Vermillion and its public fishing access:
It is best fishing from North Ridge road to the lake.
Fishing Equipment: 7 or 8 wt. fly rod with matching fly reel and line or a 9'-9'6" noodle rod with spinning reel.
You can obtain equipment from the following in Ohio.
Bass Pro Shops-
Fin, Feather, and Fur-
On the Vermillion river and the other rivers connected to Lake Erie there is an assortment of baits that can be used.
-Thingamabobbers if floating roe or eggs-
-Egg Sacs- Pink, blue, chartreuse, orange, and purple. Bring a vast assortment of colors and sizes.
-Wooly Buggers- Black or Black with an orange piece of roe at the front. It looks like an egg sucking leech.
-tandem rigs- Such as the scrambled eggs and a nymph such as the steelie rock worm work great as well and double your chances at a good fish.
A good website to learn more about fly patterns is: